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From common problems in the home, to expertise on heating and cooling systems, and more, Pippin Brothers' blog is a smart follow!

May 30, 2011

It makes sense that the less water you use, the more money you save, but it’s easy to overlook simple ways to cut down on water waste. Believe it or not, seemingly small steps can make a huge difference...

May 20, 2011

Before the hot, muggy heat really grabs ahold of you, make sure your air conditioner is ready to perform all summer long...

May 10, 2011

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, you should check your air filter every month and change it at least every three months. Here's how...

April 22, 2011

This season, spring isn’t the only thing in the air. Allergens like dust, pollen, pet dander, mold and other airborne particulates have been wreaking havoc on your indoor air quality all winter long. Now is a great time to clear the air. Learn how by reading these simple tips...

April 20, 2011

Allergens like dust, pollen, pet dander, mold and other airborne particulates have been wreaking havoc on your indoor air quality all winter long. Now is a great time to clear the air. Learn how by reading these simple tips...

April 4, 2011

A heating and cooling system can be a little tricky when it comes to how well it’s performing...

March 17, 2011

Often overlooked, the ductwork inside your home can be a major contributor to the purity of your air. Dirty air ducts can lead to a whole host of air quality issues...

March 4, 2011

Here are a few plumbing issues sure to quickly cause frustration, and some insight as to what might be making them happen...

February 22, 2011

Especially when you have never had the need to call a HVAC contractor or plumber before, selecting the right company can be difficult. There are a lot of companies to choose from out there, but how do you know you’re selecting one that is trustworthy and will do the job right?...

February 21, 2011

Pretty soon (if not already by the time you are reading this ) we will be back to that familiar pattern of frigid and windy days followed by bone chilling and bitterly cold nights, and the ever-looming possibility of snow, ice storms and freezing rain...
