As the holidays roll around the Lawton, Oklahoma area, so do overnight guests. To truly make them feel at home, go beyond just preparing them a place to sleep and food to eat.
These simple guidelines will help make your house a home for your guests this holiday season.
Fix your plumbing issues
Don’t embarrass yourself or your guest with a persistently clogged toilet or other frustrating plumbing problems. Also, don’t let a broken or clogged garbage disposal frustrate you while you are preparing your meal or cleaning up afterwards.
To see how to fix some problematic plumbing issues, check out Troubleshooting Frustrating Plumbing Problems.
Ask about your guests’ comfort levels
When it comes down to it, being a good host means making your guests feel comfortable. Some people won’t tell you they’re uncomfortable (especially if it’s a son-in-law meeting his in-laws for the first time), so you should be proactive in asking your guests if they feel comfortable.
One thing you should always ask is if the thermostat is set at a comfortable level. If they are either too hot or cold you can offer to provide a fan, open a window, provide another blanket, or raise or lower the temperature accordingly. If your guests get too hot or cold in the middle of the night, then their night may not be restful.
Keep your guests warm
After traveling several miles in the cold, guests want to cozy up and stay warm.
Some easy ways to keep people warm are:
- Make sure everyone has enough blankets for their beds.
- Give everyone a robe if you have some available.
- Make sure your furnace is working properly.
- Cook warmer foods like soup that will heat people internally.
- Provide enough hot water for several people.
Freshen up the air
You’re used to the smells in your home, so you might not be aware of certain odors (especially if you have pets).
To make sure your house does not offend your guests’ sense of smell you can:
- Buy some holiday scented candles.
- Use whole house air cleaners to remove airborne odors.
- Take out the garbage before guests arrive.
- Put out fresh flowers in guest areas.
Prepare extra bathroom essentials
You’ll always have that one guest who forgets some of the essentials to stay comfortable overnight. To make sure your guests are well taken care of, make sure you bathroom is stocked with extra:
- Towels
- Bath clothes
- Shampoo
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
Remember the Golden Rule
Remembering all these tips is easy if you just remember the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” If you were at another house as a guest, what would you want your host to have prepared for you? Have this mindset, and you can’t go wrong!
To prepare quality heating, cooling, plumbing, and air for your guests, schedule a FREE on-site quote with one of Pippin Brothers’ excellent technicians.