No matter what time of year it is in and around the Lawton, OK area, we consistently hear from more than just a few homeowners that their heating and cooling systems just aren’t getting the job done. It’s easy to blame the air conditioner or the furnace for issues associated with indoor comfort, but what if we were to tell you that it’s not your equipment that’s truly at fault? More often than not, home comfort issues (no matter the season) come down to a lack of proper attic and crawl space insulation.
If poor insulation is to blame for your discomfort right now, we’ve got bad news—the rest of the year may be even worse. The solution? An insulation upgrade from Pippin Brothers! Here are our recommendations on how to keep a cold house warm during the winter and a hot house cool during the summer.
What Does Insulation Have to Do With Home Comfort?
When the average homeowner hears the word “insulation,” winter warmth and cozy comfort typically come to mind. Most people are familiar with the concept of how insulation works to keep our heat inside when the chilly winds are blowing outside, but what isn’t quite so well known is just how important insulation is during the summer months. Why? It all comes down to heat transfer.
Picture a home that is riddled with air holes and gaps in the exterior-facing walls, the attic, and the basement or crawl space, and features very little insulation. In this scenario, there isn’t much between your home’s indoor living space and the harsh outdoor environment—air and heat are allowed to travel freely between the two spaces, making the job of your heating and cooling equipment much harder.
In the winter months, this means heavy winds will cause drafts of cooler air and prevent your heating system from heating your home properly. In the summertime? You guessed it—excruciatingly hot air from outside constantly enters throughout the day, which will force your air conditioner to work overtime. You won’t just be uncomfortable—you might also notice the following:
Increased heating and cooling costs
Wear and tear on your AC and furnace
Shorter lifespan for your heating and cooling equipment
Reduced indoor air quality
Air Sealing + Insulation = Year-Round Home Comfort
When it comes to creating a comfortable home, your heating and cooling system is only one piece of the puzzle. In order for it to all work together efficiently, you need to ensure that the home is well-insulated and fully air sealed. Once that job is complete, you can expect a cooler home during the summer months and a warmer home in the wintertime. Add to this additional benefits such as reduced electricity costs, better indoor air quality, and longer HVAC system lifespan, and insulating becomes a true no-brainer.
At Pippin Brothers, we believe nothing matters more than the safety and comfort of our customers. No one deserves to be uncomfortable throughout the year, and with our help (and an energy audit), you can finally put home comfort issues to rest.