Summer is over. For the moment, that means enjoying cool fall weather. But the cold temperatures of winter are lurking around the corner. And with colder temperatures come high winter energy bills. However, with these 12 tips from Pippin Brothers, you can reduce your energy usage and save money this winter.
Install a programmable thermostat. If you have not done so already, installing a programmable thermostat will allow you to lower the temperature (and save money!) while you are at work or away but still come home to a warm house.
Get a humidifier. A humidifier monitors the humidity in your air and adjusts for maximum comfort. Air that is more humid feels warmer, which allows you to set your thermostat lower while still remaining comfortable.
Wear warm clothes around the house. By wearing long sleeves, warm pants and socks in your house, you can lower the temperature on your thermostat and still remain comfortable. Lowering your thermostat 1 degree Fahrenheit can save you 3% on your winter energy bills.
Change fans to run clockwise. In the summer, your fans should be running counter-clockwise to push air down. In the winter, they should be reversed to run clockwise, which will pull the cooler air up and circulate your warm air.
Check or replace your furnace filter. Check your furnace filter at least monthly, replacing when dirty. A dirty filter causes your furnace to work harder. Replacing it with a new one will help your reduce your winter energy bill and save you money.
Turn off your exhaust fans. The exhaust fans in your bathroom and kitchen are important to help fight mold and expel cooking fumes. However, they also allow large amounts of heated air to escape while running. After use, remember to promptly turn them off.
Get an annual furnace checkup. Your furnace has likely gone unused for months. Before its peak performance is again called for in the dead of winter, make sure it is ready by getting a furnace tune-up. Annual professional tune-ups will extend the life of your furnace and keep it running efficiently throughout the winter.
Clear airflow for registers and vents. Make sure your vents and registers are not blocked by holiday decorations, blinds or furniture. Restricted airflow causes your furnace to work overtime, which is directly reflected in your winter energy usage.
Open curtains, drapes and blinds of south facing windows during the day. Reduce your winter energy bill by opening south facing windows’ coverings during the day. Close them again at night to keep the heat inside.
Install energy efficient lighting. Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFL’s) use as little as a quarter of the energy of traditional bulbs. Short winter days mean an increase in the amount of time you use indoor lighting. Reduce your winter energy bill by using efficient lighting and turning off the lights in empty rooms.
Check and increase attic insulation. For energy efficiency, Energy Star recommends a minimum insulation level of R30 in Oklahoma. That equates to 8-13 inches, depending on the type of insulation in your home.
Get a whole-home airflow analysis. Leaky air ducts, uneven airflow and improperly designed ductwork can all lead to an increased strain on your furnace. Pippin Brothers can help you detect and correct these issues with an airflow analysis.
This winter, low temperatures do not have to mean sky-high energy bills. Pippin Brothers encourages you to take advantage of these 12 money-saving, energy-reducing tips.
Contact us today for more information on how Pippin Brothers can help you save money and keep you warm this winter.