“Going green” is becoming an increasingly popular topic among Lawton area homeowners because it is a great way to help the environment and save money by reducing your energy usage.
So we decided to help. Our experts have devised a three-step plan to a greener home (and wallet!)
The easiest and least expensive way to a greener home is to simply reduce the amount of energy waste. This can be as simple as changing a few habits or making a quick installation.
Tips to reduce energy waste:
- Insulate exposed hot water pipes
- Turn off electronics when not in use
- Unplug TV’s and computers
- Shut off lights when you’re not in the room
- Add attic insulation
- Wash clothes on “cold” setting
The second step to a greener home is to perform regular maintenance on your home, your appliances and your vehicles. Maintenance keeps these things running the way they were designed to and increases efficiency by cleaning key components.
Here are several green maintenance tasks to remember:
- Keep your home in tip-top shape – in the fall and the spring, make sure any air leaks are sealed, fix cracking paint and clean gutters.
- Bring in your vehicle for its tune-ups – the recommended manufacturer’s tune-ups and oil changes on your car will keep it running efficiently and minimize your fuel consumption.
- Change your heating and cooling system’s air filter – dirty air filters restrict airflow and reduce your system’s efficiency.
- Get annual tune-ups for your heater and air conditioner – much like your vehicle, regular tune-ups on you HVAC system keep it operating safely and efficiently.
Sometimes maintenance and reducing waste is not enough. When an appliance is old or has gone without maintenance for a long time, it may become very inefficient and a replacement may be your best option for creating a green home.
Top places to consider an upgrade:
- Install a programmable thermostat – programming your thermostat to adjust your home’s temperature while you are away can save $180 a year.
- Go tankless – a tankless water heater reduces the amount of standby heat loss, reducing your hot water energy use.
- Upgrade your lights to CFLs or LEDS – new lighting options are 3-10 times more efficient than incandescent bulbs and last up to 40 times as long!
So when you are looking for ways to make your home greener, remember: reduce waste, maintain equipment, and upgrade when necessary.
For over 34 years, Pippin Brothers continues to provide trusted heating, cooling and plumbing services to the Lawton, Oklahoma area. Contact us online for more information on any of our products or services.